Voices of Disruption with Deborah Olatunji

How To Identify Your Core Values and Learn From Them! \/\ Disrupting PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT

Deborah Olatunji Season 1 Episode 11
What does personal development look like for you? If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?

I've been talking about self-awareness and core values all season long! What's all the hype about? The answer is finally here.

In this episode, I share the steps to creating a culture code for your life and core values to understand yourself better. I breakdown my own core values, explain the definitions behind them, and discuss the importance of defining these words in a context that encourages growth.

If you're looking for a way to start the new year on the right foot, take the time to give this episode a listen! There's a special announcement inside as well.

Join and connect with the community led by Deborah Olatunji on Instagram @deb_olatunji and the podcast page https://www.deboraholatunji.com!

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